designfilmgraphics carpentryplumbingelectricalpainting

I started a film production company in Los Angeles in the 1990s and have continued to do film work in Trumansburg.

For a more on that, go my website:

The photo at the right is from the production of "Spacerex." a science fiction film that became a web-based work in progress. The movie is still on my list of things to do.

I have included these clips here because they show what a clever craftsman I am with little buildings and latex. I did all the special effects and art direction on these two clips myself (with some help from Brady Spindel and others and Kenya Levitt) The cinematography is by Anthony Gotta.

This is a short clip of the n-scale model scene which gets the movie started and represents what I figured would be the toughest and most expensive thing to shoot.

So I did that first.


This second spacerex transmission needs no text but this: No actual babies were harmed in the making of this film.

I have done much more film making lately, all of which is available to view at my business site,, and my YouTube Channel. This site is geared toward my past history and more-personal stuff.


bryan and anthony

designfilmgraphics carpentryplumbingelectricalpainting